Monday, November 1, 2010

Pumpkin time!

So Sunday night we had zero trick-or-treaters. Probably because we live in an apartment complex. Oh well. At about 8:30, Maren, Nate and I decided we needed to carve pumpkins. Nothing like waiting until the last minute. We went to Wally World and they had zero (the box labeled FREE was empty). We went to HyVee and they had them for $5.00/pumpkin. Maren talked the guy down and we got them for $2.00/pumpkin. (ps. I went to HyVee tonight to grocery shop and all the pumpkins were free. Damn.) We didn't have a pumpkin carving kit so we used steak knives. We don't have a printer so we free hand drew our designs on and rocked them!!

Maren started out with a autumnally labeled wine. Yes I did make that word up. But autumnal is a word, so there! (ps. Mar- the pouring pics didn't work. My camera focused on the AFA mug. Oh well)

Clean 'em out!

Nate drawing on his design.

Maren drawing on her design.

Nate's off to a good start.

I couldn't decide on a design for awhile, but then I just went with the theme.

Nate's making progress now.

Nate and I finished first.

A little cinnamon to make things smell delightful (Nate's suggestion, believe it or not)


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